Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme (WELS)
The Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme (WELS) is a product certification scheme by the Public Utilities Board (PUB).
The purpose of WELS is to:
Conserve water by further reducing water consumption through greater awareness and use of water efficient water fittings, appliances and apparatuses and products
Provide water efficiency and performance information to purchasers of water fittings, appliances, apparatuses or products so that they can make a well-informed purchasing decision
Provide consumers with the necessary information on water efficiency of the labeled water fitting, appliance, apparatus, or product and allow them to compare it to other similar models in the market places, before deciding on their purchase
Clearly differentiate the less water efficient water fittings, appliances, apparatuses or products from the more water efficient ones
Encourage vendors to offer more water efficient water fittings, appliances, apparatuses and products in Singapore and mould consumer preference towards more water efficient fittings, appliances, apparatuses and products
Stimulate the introduction of cost-effective and water efficient technologies
Promote the adoption of efficient and effective water-use technologies
Under this scheme, water fittings such as tap/mixers, dual-flush low capacity flushing cistern (LCFC) and urinal flush valves/waterless urinal shall be labeled under the Mandatory Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme (MWELS) before they can be offered-for-sale, displayed, advertised for sale/supply in Singapore. Showerheads are under the Voluntary Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme (VWELS).