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Information about the certification schemes, including evaluation procedures, rules and procedures for granting, for maintaining, for extending or reducing the scope of, for withdrawing or for refusing certification.

Evaluation Procedures

Certification managers or certifiers shall be assigned to make the certification decision based on all information related to the evaluation, its review, and any other relevant information. 


The Certification Manager/Certifier must not be involved in the evaluation process of the same certification project.


Personnel who have previously provided consultancy for a product will not be used to make a certification decision for this product for two years, as determined by NUTEK.


Upon successful completion of the Certification Project Checklist, the Certification Decision is approved, and the Certification Package forwarded for Certificate Granting.


Clients shall be notified about the decision of a decision not to grant certification as well as its reasons.



Certification Granting

The following information shall be shown on the NUTEK Certificate:

  1. Name and address of the Certification Body.​

  2. Unique certificate reference number.

  3. Identification of the Certification Scheme.

  4. Certification mark, if any.​

  5. Name and Address of Client*

  6. Name and Address of Manufacturing site(s)**.

  7. Product Description.

  8. Model / Type / Part Number.​|

  9. Associated product Test Report Reference Number.

  10. Scope of certification (e.g. standards).

  11. NUTEK legal disclaimer.

  12. Certificate grant date.

  13. Term or expiration date of certification, if applicable.

  14. Name and signature, or other defined authorization of the NUTEK Signatory.


** Name and address of manufacturing site(s) may be coded when agreed upon between the client and the Certification Body.


The signed Certificate should be issued to the Client with copy to the Manufacturer, if requested by the client. A copy of the issued Certificate shall be in the project file.


After receiving the signed certificate, the client and manufacturer are obligated to produce a product that is in compliance with the standard used for certification, the terms of the Certification Agreement and the Certification Documentation.


Unless specifically requested by the client, after products have been successfully certified, the Certification Body shall register the certified products on an NUTEK Directory of Certified Products:,




Certification Maintaining

If the outcome of the following maintenance activities shows variances or non-compliance, or if inspections are postponed or NUTEK is denied access to the factory or products, the certification may be suspended, terminated or withdrawn. When re-evaluation is required, affected clients shall be notified. If requested by the client, affected products shall be re-certified. If the client does not request the products to be re-certified, the certification may be terminated.



Certification Extending

Application for Certification Extending shall be submitted in the way same as new application. Previous approved certification shall be enclosed for the application of Certification Extending.



Certification Suspension and Reinstatement

If the need for suspension arises, the Certification Body shall suspend the certification and concurrently inform the client the reason for suspension, â€‹request corrective action, and, specify a period in which it shall be resolved.



Reasons for suspension include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Issues arising from Certification Maintenance 

  • Claims of non-conformity​

  • Misuse of product mark or certificate

  • Non-payment​

  •  Confirmed third party complaints


If the correction actions have not been resolved by the client within the stipulated time, the certification shall be withdrawn.


If the corrective actions are resolved, the certification can be reinstated under the same conditions as before the suspension. In the event the corrective actions required a product modification, a differentiation shall be required to distinguish prior certified products to those being reinstated. (e.g. New model number or production date).




Certification Withdrawing and Refusing

Reasons for withdrawal include:


  • Withdrawal resulting from Certification Requirements: The Certification Body shall withdraw the certification when the need arises due to Certification Suspension and Reinstatement, Certification Complaints, or Certification Maintenance.


  • OEM, Original Certificate Termination: If a certificate (B) is dependent on another certificate (A) (e.g. as an alternative model, OEM, or trade/brand name) and the certificate (A) is withdrawn. The Certification Body shall also withdraw the certificate (B).


  • Withdrawal due to 3rd-party Requests: A certification can be withdrawn on the request of a 3rd-party only if determined valid by the Certification Body. The 3rd-party can be a government, Accreditation Body, or another Certification Body or Certification Scheme.


  • Withdrawal due to Other Reasons: There can also be other reasons to withdraw a certification such as, but not limited to, non-payment.


Whenever a certification is terminated other than at the client’s request, the Certification Body shall inform the client about the reason for the termination.

A certification can also be terminated at any time when requested in writing by the client. When a request for termination is received, the Certification Body shall acknowledge the client and terminate the certification in accordance with the Certification agreements, and Terms and Conditions.

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